Sue was my mother in law and I feel very privileged to be able to say that. To me, Sue exuded the very meaning of true kindness, compassion and empathy for those around her.
Sue seemed to see the best in people despite the situation and would rarely judge. Always the first to pop round with a few cakes, a potted plant and a card or to just say hello. Don would drive Sue all over Halifax and beyond to drop off countless gifts or just to pop in and say hello.
I think it is important to really appreciate the value of Sue's endeavors. Owning a florist for 17 years is no mean feat given the work and the hours involved. The giving of flowers can be a powerful gesture whether for moments of joy and celebration or indeed moments of sadness and remembrance. Flowers can soothe and they can also put a smile on someone's face and for me Sue provided a service that gave both joy and also comfort to countless people and families. A powerful legacy indeed.
Now fancy dress and a good party is a passion of mine as most of my friends and family know. When Jo told me her Mum owned a fancy dress shop I knew she was the girl for me ! Fancy dress is all about making people laugh, to just have a good time and to escape reality for a few hours. Sue made this possible for thousands upon thousands of people. Sue brought the joy! Another powerful legacy and one that few can lay claim to.
When I think of Sue I have so many happy memories from family gatherings, parties and celebrations where fancy dress played a big part, holidays, visits to our house for dinner and a sleep over and cheers of encouragement on the fells as I ran around chasing Jo in some race or other. Sue also played a huge part in my wedding, organising and arranging all the flowers for the ceremony.
The last few years have been a challenge for Sue health wise but I have always been struck by her stoicism and bravery to deal with some really challenging moments. Never one to moan but just deal with it quietly.
Christmas 2024 was such a special time for Jo and I and for a few hours we had the mother and mother in law back that we had missed. We laughed, we ate, we drank, we reminisced and we wore silly glasses and hats.
I have much to be grateful for from Sue but the most important to me is Jo my lovely wife. Sue lives on in Jo and for that I am so very grateful. Her kindness, thoughtfulness, consideration, passion for baking a cake and making the occasional trifle comes from her Mum. What more could I want !
We may think Sue has left us but in truth she is all around us. Her spirit lives on through her family and those who knew her as a friend. If I have learnt one thing from Sue its simple. Just be kind, it doesn't have to cost anything x
12th February 2025